Where there is tea there is a lot of hope!
Herbal teas are among the healthiest beverages to consume all year round. Whether it is your cup of herbal tea in the morning to energize or the cup of herbal tea at night to calm, Herbal teas have various healthy and healing benefits. The important thing to know is what your body needs and what ingredients to look for in your herbal teas. You no longer need to google ‘The best Herbal Tea in India’ anymore. Simply look for the ingredients when choosing your tea! Here are some suggestions of Indian herbal tea ingredients to look for:

Herbal teas for fitness

Herbal teas for stress relief

Herbal Teas have been used for Reducing stress and sleeping better, widely around the world. Herbal teas can help you feel calmer by relaxing your nerves. The sweet smell of herbal teas can transport you out of your muddled brain and intro an aromatic experience in nature. L-theanine is the main component of herbal tea that reduces cortisol, improves brain function, and improves the quality of sleep. The best herbal teas to reduce stress are Chamomile, Valerian root, Lavender, Passionflower, and Peppermint Tea!
Herbal teas for healthy digestion

Herbal teas for lifting mood

If you are looking to lift your mood when you are feeling down mid-day, Lemongrass Tea, Jasmine Tea, Lavender Tea and Chamomile Tea can do wonders for you. Although Green Tea is not Herbal Tea, Green Tea too is a great mood-lifting tea. It contains EGCG that helps you feel calmer and caffeine in green tea helps you focus. Choosing a green tea that comes with pleasing flavors and fragrance can further help you improve your mood!
Herbal teas for boosting Immunity

Our Herbal Tea selection